FinCEED kuvituskuva

The Finnish Centre of Expertise in Education and Development (FinCEED) organises an annual national education and development forum on 2-3 November 2023. This year, the thematic focus of the Forum is EU collaboration, implementation of Finland’s Africa Strategy, and education in emergencies. We wish to bring together experts within the education and development sector to discuss and showcase topical issues and provide matchmaking opportunities for participants to foster synergy.

The aim of the Forum is to collect and identify recommendations for developing innovative multistakeholder collaboration in education sector development cooperation.

The target group consists of education sector experts interested in global education issues or already working within the field of education and development (NGOs, educational institutions, private sector representatives, public authorities etc). The seminar covers all educational levels from pre-school education to higher education and research.

The Forum will be a live event with streamed components. The opening and closing plenaries will be streamed online. All the materials of the Forum will also be available online.