The Russian attack on Ukraine shocks us all. Early childhood education and care (ECEC), schools and educational institutions play a particularly important role alongside homes in restoring the sense of security and safety of children and young people. On this website, you will find support material for discussing the Russian attack on Ukraine in ECEC and pre-primary education, basic education, general upper secondary education, vocational education and training (VET), basic education in the arts, and liberal adult education.

This material has been drawn up to support discussing the crisis situation in Ukraine in ECEC, pre-primary education, basic education, general upper secondary education, VET, basic education in the arts and liberal adult education. The material can be used in ways that are appropriate for the activities of the form of education in question and suitable for the different age groups.

The basic information related to the Russian attack on Ukraine and the questions it evokes can be discussed as a natural part of normal activities in different forms of education. The material is aimed at ensuring that every child, young person and student in ECEC and education following national core curricula and qualification requirements has the opportunity to talk and receive basic information about the war in Ukraine and how it affects the situation in Finland.

In a crisis situation, the staff's task is to create and support a sense of security and safety and maintain everyday life that is as normal as possible for children, young people and students. The staff know the children, young people and students of their ECEC centre, school and educational institution and their situation best and are able to choose the contents used in their own activities and the extent of the discussion. It is possible to get support from student welfare services for discussing the crisis.

In addition to discussing the crisis, it is also important to ensure that there are enough other, pleasant activities during the day. Doing things together creates faith in the future and directs thoughts to happier things.

The situation in Ukraine keeps changing rapidly and it is impossible even for an adult to have answers to all the questions. However, ECEC, schools and educational institutions can help children, young people and students understand what has happened and approach the situation calmly. Children and young people should be reminded that the war in Ukraine is exceptional and life in Finland is safe. ECEC centres, schools and educational institutions are well prepared for different threats and dangerous situations. Even in the current crisis situation, their key task is to uphold everyday routines and engage children and young people in normal and safe everyday life.

The closer children and young people think the events reported in the news are, the stronger their reactions. Some children and young people may currently be extremely worried about the well-being of their loved ones who live in the areas affected by the crisis. There are also children and young people in ECEC and education who have come to Finland from war-affected areas and students who will soon be starting their military service.

When operating practices are planned in ECEC, schools and educational institutions, it is important to consider that the Ukraine crisis affects the everyday life of children and young people living in different parts of Finland in different ways. In eastern Finland, the situation may also be challenging because of the large number of Ukrainian, Russian and Belarussian children, young people and students there at different levels of education. Big cities, on the other hand, have a large number of children, pupils and students with an immigrant background.