Under section 5 of the Basic Education Act, a municipality can organise instruction preparing for basic education. The aim of the instruction is to provide pupils with the necessary skills in the Finnish or Swedish language and any other necessary skills for making the transition to pre-primary education or basic education. The education provider makes the decision on initiating and extending preparatory education where needed. The teaching can be initiated and the curriculum for the instruction preparing for basic education can be prepared based on the principles issued by the Finnish National Agency for Education in 2015. The Finnish National Agency for Education provides in ePerusteet a tool for preparing a local curriculum.
Finnish/Swedish language teaching in preparatory education involves teaching of introductory and basic-level language skills, and it is best to draw up a learning plan for the pupils. Some pupils may stay in Finland and continue their studies in basic education after preparatory education. It is therefore important to have language-aware teaching in the language of instruction. From the perspective of socialisation and interaction at school, this is also important for those pupils who will only stay in Finland temporarily.
Preparatory education can be provided in group form or in an inclusive way as part of basic education, and can also be provided individually. The key objectives of preparatory education include integration into pre-primary or basic education and strengthening participation through having a sponsoring class or engaging in pupil activities. Many education providers have effective models for organising inclusive preparatory education. Education providers have also developed practices for the integration of preparatory teaching, and these can also be used for teaching Ukrainian pupils.