With the Civil Service Language Proficiency Certificates (VKT), you can prove you have the proficiency in Finnish or Swedish that is required for working in public administration. The assignments in the tests are related to different work and language use situations in public administration, such as

  • customer service
  • handling of documents related to work
  • preparatory work in public administration
  • negotiations and different public language use situations, such as speaking in the media.

The assignments vary according to the skill level of the test. Oral, written and comprehension skills are assessed in the tests.

Under the Language Act, the authorities must safeguard everyone's linguistic rights and operate both in Finnish and Swedish. Everyone has the right to use Finnish or Swedish when dealing with the authorities. The 2003 Language Act (423/2003) lays down provisions on how these rights should be realised in practice. The Act lays down the minimum level of providing linguistic services in public administration.