The purpose of guidance and counselling is to support students
- in developing the skills they need for studying and working
- in making choices during their studies, such as selecting the qualification units that match their goals
- in moving on to further studies and to the world of work or in progressing in their career.
Vocational upper secondary qualifications include studies that reinforce students’ capacity to study and plan their career. The aim of these studies is to enable students to identify their interests and make decisions concerning their studies and career.
Matters that have been agreed on about guidance and support are recorded in the personal competence development plan drawn up for each student. A career plan for the student is also recorded in the competence development plan. The first version of the career plan is drawn up at the beginning of the studies and students update it as they progress in their studies.
Each VET student is entitled to guidance and counselling. In addition to guidance counsellors, the tutor and teachers also provide guidance and counselling. Guidance is given both individually and in groups.