International mobility: instructions for entry to Finland as of 7 June 2021
Education and qualifications
The instructions of the Finnish Border Guard to passengers regarding entry to Finland during COVID-19 pandemic have been updated. The instructions are valid as of 7 June 2021 and will continue until 27 June 2021.
Under restriction category 1, the following persons may enter Finland:
- persons participating in the entrance examination of a Finnish educational institution (Finnish university, university of applied sciences, high school, or vocational school), if such participation requires physical presence
- students with a right to study at a Finnish university, university of applied sciences, high school, or vocational school
- exchange students coming to a Finnish educational institution within the framework of Erasmus, Nordplus and bilateral exchange and internship programs, or students coming for an internship as part of their studies, if the educational institution has decided to accept them. The duration of the exchange or training is not limited.
In addition, mobility is allowed in the framework of volunteering programs based on international obligations (e.g. European Solidarity Corps).
Countries belonging to restriction category 1 as well as the opening hours of the land border crossing points are announced on the website of the Finnish Boarder Guard (see below).