The national core curriculum for primary and lower secondary (fromer translation 'basic') provides a uniform foundation for local curricula, thus enhancing equality in education throughout the country. The curricula of each municipality and school steer instruction and school work in more detail, taking local needs and perspectives into consideration.

The national core curriculum for primary and lower secondary (basic) education was introduced for grades 1–6 in all schools beginning on 1 August 2016. The curriculum was introduced for the lower secondary education in steps: the new curriculum was adapted by grades 7 on 1 August 2017, by grades 8 in 2018 and by grades 9 in 2019. The Finnish National Agency for Education introduced the National core curriculum for primary and lower secondary (basic) education in 2014. Education providers have drawn up their own local curricula based on the national core curriculum.

The national core curriculum provides a uniform foundation for local curricula, thus enhancing equality in education throughout the country. The curricula of each municipality and school steer instruction and schoolwork in more detail, taking local needs and perspectives into consideration. If necessary, the local curriculum may also revised later. The aim is that the curriculum serves as an active and flexible support for teaching and school activities.

The national core curriculum is mostly comprised of the objectives and contents described for different subjects which are connected to the description of the policies on underlying values, conception of learning and school culture. The purpose of the curriculum is to enable a reform of school culture and school pedagogy which will improve the quality of the learning process and enhance learning outcomes.

Infograph outlining the main elements in the national core curriculum. Content described in the web page.