Our work is supported by an Advisory Group for Finnish Studies at Universities Abroad. The members of the group are professors, teachers and researchers of Finnish language and literature and Finno-Ugric languages from different universities. The term of the current group is from 2023 - 2024.


Minna Suni
Professor, University of Jyväskylä


Sisko Brunni
University teacher, University of Oulu

Viola Čapková
Professor, University of Turku

Ilmari Ivaska
Assistant Professor, University of Turku

Lari Kotilainen
University Lecturer, University of Helsini

Sirkku Latomaa
Lecturer, University of Tampere

Tuija Lehtonen
Lecturer, University of Jyväskylä

Jukka Mäkisalo
University Lecturer, University of Eastern Finland

Marko Pantermöller
Professor, Universität Greifswald 

Riikka Rossi
Professor, University of Helsinki

Hanna Samola
University Lecturer, University of Tampere