
Erasmus+ for higher education, vocational education and training, and school education: Teacher Academies application round ends 26.3.2025

Erasmus+ Erasmus+ for vocational education Erasmus+ for higher education Erasmus+ for general education
Funding state
Application period
19.11.2024 – 26.3.2025 at 17:00 o'clock
Application form
For more information
European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA):

The Erasmus+ Teacher Academies action supports the development of teacher education in European cooperation. The networks promote multilingualism and cultural diversity, develop teacher training in accordance with the EU's educational policy priorities and advance the achievement of the goals of the European Education Area.

By investing in Europe-wide cooperation, the aim is also to respond to the challenges faced by teacher education and teaching professions, such as the attractiveness of the teaching profession.

In addition, the cooperation promotes one or more of the horizontal priorities of the Erasmus+ Programme. 

Deadline for applications is 26 March 2025 at 18.00 Finnish time (17:00 CET).

The application process is managed by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). The call can be found in the European Commission's portal under the identifier ERASMUS-EDU-2025-PEX-TEACH-ACA.