Websites on recognition of qualifications expanded and a guide to recognition of early childhood education and care education published
Websites for recipients of the Finnish National Agency for Education’s decision
These websites contain instructions for those who have received a decision on the recognition of a degree, or the comparability of a degree completed abroad from the Finnish National Agency for Education. The websites contain general information to the recipients of a decision and profession-specific information for example for teachers and professionals in early childhood education and care.
Link: Websites for recipients of the Finnish National Agency for Education's decision
Websites to employers about recognition of qualifications
These websites contain general information on recognition of foreign qualifications for employers. With the help of these websites, you can find out whether the job seeker must apply for recognition of their qualifications completed abroad and how you can yourself assess the qualifications the degree completed abroad gives.
Link: Websites to employers about recognition of qualifications
Guide to recognition of early childhood education and care education
Guide to recognition of early childhood education and care education completed abroad is intended primarily for experts working with people who have a foreign qualification.
In the end of the guide there is a chart that can be used to find out how you can become qualified to work in early childhood education and care in Finland with a foreign qualification.
Link: Guide to recognition of early childhood education and care education