
Finnish National Agency for Education and UNICEF to deepen collaboration on innovations in education

Current issues Global Cooperation Digitalisation Education development Education exports
Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) and the UNICEF Office of Innovation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Monday 20 March 2023 to deepen cooperation on innovations in education.
Ihmisiä poseeraamassa ryhmäkuvaa varten.

The MoU will pave the way for EDUFI’s Finnish Centre of Expertise in Education and Development (FinCEED) to work closely with UNICEF’s Global Learning Innovation Hub based in Helsinki. The two organizations aim to collaborate at strategic and technical levels to accelerate innovative solutions in learning that promote inclusive, quality education for all children and young people.

Specifically, FinCEED  and the UNICEF Learning Innovation Hub, under the Office of Innovation will work together via the short-term deployment of Finnish education experts to UNICEF; collaborate towards skills strengthening in education and development; co-hosting of events towards strengthening of mutual networks; and support to the UNICEF Learning Pioneers Programme.

- The Finnish National Agency for Education is excited to strengthen the collaboration with the UNICEF Office of Innovation through this MoU. We believe that this partnership allows collective leverage to promote expertise in the field of education sector development cooperation in order to accelerate innovative solutions in learning that promote inclusive quality education for all, said Samu Seitsalo, Director, Finnish National Agency for Education.

- The UNICEF Global Learning Innovation Hub hosted by the Government of Finland, aims to expand access to quality digital learning solutions and to create a safe playground for disruption to transform learning for all children. This partnership with EDUFI and FinCEED allows UNICEF to tap into and learn from Finland’s expertise and innovative initiatives that can bring learning solutions to scale, said Thomas Davin, Director, UNICEF Office of Innovation.

During the the MoU signing, Mr. Seitsalo and Mr. Davin was joined by Riitta Swan, Ambassador for Innovation, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland; Jonna Korhonen, Director, Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland; and Angeles Cortesi, Head of the UNICEF Learning Innovation Hub to discuss how the Finland–UNICEF partnership can help to design alternative learning futures that can accelerate access to quality digital learning for all children.

- Innovations and frontier technologies offer vast opportunities for hacking the road to children by accelerating and scaling access to digital learning. We are happy to embark on this journey together with Finland to transforming education and making learning a fun adventure for all children, Ms. Cortesi added.

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