Results of the pilot call Erasmus+ European Universities for legal status and joint European Degree label are published
10 Erasmus+ projects will pilot new forms of transnational cooperation between higher education institutions. Each selected pilot project can receive a budget of up to 200 000€. Total budget of the call was €2 million. Selected pilots will test and implement the goals set by the European Commission for achieving the European Education Area. Selected pilots represent 21 Erasmus+ European University alliances and over 90 individual higher education institutions.
Six of the selected pilots will test and facilitate the delivery of a joint European Degree label. In addition to higher education institutions, these projects involve also national authorities and other stakeholders.
Four projects will test possibilities of creating European legal status for the European University alliances. The aim of the legal status is to allow university alliances to make structural cooperation in the fields of education and research, enable joint recruitment and pooling of resources and data capacities.
Finnish higher education institutions participate in selected projects as partners. Tampere University as part of the ESEU A European Status for ECIU University, is testing the legal status of the alliance. Aalto University participates in the development of joint European Degree label with the ETIKETA FilmEU Degree label project. In addition, several Finnish higher education institutions take part in these projects via participation of their respective European University alliances as associate partners.
Finnish higher education institutions have participated actively in the Erasmus+ European University alliances since the pilot call in 2019. Currently, 14 Finnish higher education institutions are members of a European University alliance. 2023 call for Erasmus+ European Universities ended on January 31st, 2023. The call attracted applications from 65 university alliances of which 26 alliances applied for continuation of their existing European University alliances and 39 for establishing a new European University alliance.