
TFK Programme funds 7 cooperation projects in the separate Call for Ukraine

Programmes Higher education Global Cooperation Team Finland Knowledge Internationalisation
The third application round of Team Finland Knowledge programme included a separate call for Ukraine. The object of the Ukraine Call was to support Finnish higher education institutions’ (HEIs) cooperation with the Ukrainian higher education institutions as well as provide support to Ukraine in developing and rebuilding of its higher education. The call emphasized the needs of the Ukrainian higher education sector and raised considerable interest among the Finnish HEIs.

Finnish National Agency for Education granted in total 485 875 euros for 7 projects. Funding amount per project varies between 57 010 and 79 590 euros and project period is 1.8.2023-31.12.2025.
Työmaaseinä Kiovassa, joka on maalattu Ukrainan lipun väreillä.

The call for Ukraine received 11 project proposals in total, and the applied funding was in total 884 115 euros. Universities handed in more applications by the deadline than universities of applied sciences; 7 projects applied were coordinated by a university and 4 projects by a university of applied sciences. Three  HEI’s submitted more than one application in the Ukraine call and all in all, 7 Finnish HEIs were involved in the project proposals either as coordinators or as project partners; 3 of which were universities and 4 universities of applied sciences. The call was open to all degree levels and disciplines.


Infographic about the applied and selected projects in the Ukraine Call of the TFK programme in 2023.

The most common study fields represented in the project applications were teacher training and education science, social and behavioral science, physical science, health, engineering and manufacturing and processing. A single project can involve more than one study field.

In the Ukraine call 64 percent of the applied projects received funding. The primary assessment criterion was the quality of the project application. In addition, according to the TFK programme’s call for Ukraine guidelines only one project per HEI can be funded for cooperation with Ukraine. 7 projects in total received funding and the selected projects include 4 Finnish universities of applied sciences and 3 universities as well as 9 HEIs from Ukraine.


Selected projects advance employability of students and develop expertise as well as customer-based solutions in the health sector

The selected projects represent different fields, such as teacher training and educational science, social and behavioral science, physical science, health, engineering as well as manufacturing and processing. Field specifically most of the selected projects are related to teacher education and education science. The selected projects aim, for example, at enhancing the future employability of students by developing career counselling training in Ukraine to correspond with the EU career counselling training model as well as strengthening digital and entrepreneurial skills among students. Also, technology and new technological applications play a big role in the projects, which focus on improving facial traumatology expertise in facial combat injuries and developing new patient-based solutions in rehabilitation. The projects emphasize mutual learning and responsible cooperation between Ukrainian and Finnish HEI’s.

The ongoing war in Ukraine sets its own challenges for cooperation activities between the Ukrainian and Finnish HEI’s. Nevertheless, there are many possible forms of cooperation in all selected projects, and it is characteristic for them to combine different activities: common study modules, courses and intensive courses, mobility of students and staff from Ukraine to Finland, and development and implementation of digital/virtual teaching are the most popular forms activities. In addition to these, also curriculum and working life collaboration are also included in the projects.

The next actual TFK programme call will open in early 2024

The purpose of the Team Finland Knowledge programme is to create and strengthen cooperation between Finnish higher education institutions and the target regions and countries selected to the TFK network, and to design new operating models for cooperation. The programme funds educational cooperation between higher education institutions through cooperation and mobility projects. The programme is open to all higher education institutions in Finland and in the target regions and countries of the programme.

The next call will be opened in early 2024. The target countries and regions will be announced later.