63,000 pupils completed comprehensive education
The number of pupils finishing comprehensive education in 2024 is about 2,000 higher than in 2023, due to a larger age group. Approximately 3,500 pupils graduated from Swedish-speaking schools.
In addition, around 1,200 adults complete comprehensive education annually through adult education programs, such as general upper secondary schools for adults or folk high schools. This number has remained stable in recent years.
25,000 general upper secondary education graduates
Nearly 25,000 students graduated from general upper secondary schools in spring 2024, slightly fewer than the previous year. About 2,000 of these graduates came from Swedish-speaking schools.
57% of the graduates are women and 43% are men. This is the first age-group to graduate under the new general upper secondary education curriculum introduced in autumn 2021, which includes enhanced guidance and special education for those in need. Graduates also have access to follow-up guidance for a year after completing their studies.
An increasing number of graduates from vocational education and training complete qualifications through apprenticeship agreement
Students in vocational education and training (VET) graduate throughout the year. The total number of VET graduates for spring 2024 will be confirmed at the beginning of July, as some students are still completing their studies in June.
In the same period in 2023, approximately 44,700 students graduated, with around 1,500 from Swedish-speaking institutions. A slight increase in graduates is expected this year, as about 4% more students graduated from VET from January to April 2024 compared to the same period last year
In spring 2023, around 26,000 students received their certificates in May and June, the most common time for graduating from VET. Each autumn, from August to December, around 24,000 students complete their studies. Last year the number was 24,100.
An increasing number of VET graduates are completing their studies through apprenticeship agreements. In spring 2023, around 42% of VET graduates did so. From January to April 2024, about 1,000 more graduates completed their studies through apprenticeship agreements compared to 2023, representing an 11% increase. Studying at the workplace have increased as workplace education and training can cover a full qualification.
The figures provided are based on statistics from the Vipunen - Education statistic Finland and by the Matriculation Examination Board.
Further information: Siru Korkala, Senior Specialist, Tel. +358 29 533 8610, siru.korkala [at] oph.fi (siru[dot]korkala[at]oph[dot]fi)