Jean Monnet applicant webinar

Rahoitushaku Webinaari Perusopetus Lukiokoulutus Ammatillinen koulutus Korkeakoulutus Erasmus kouluissa Erasmus+ Erasmus+ ammatilliselle koulutukselle Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Erasmus+ korkeakoulutukselle

EDUFI organizes an applicant webinar for those interested in applying for a Jean Monnet project during spring 2021. The webinar covers the entire Jean Monnet action and is therefore directed to Finnish

  • Higher education institutions
  • Schools and VET providers
  • Teacher Training Institutes/Agencies providing initial and/or in-service training to teachers of schools and/or VET institutes

The webinar is held on 26th April at 10:00-11:30am (Finnish time) and it consist of the following:

  • Information on the different Jean Monnet actions and 2021 call for projects
  • Experiences from a Finnish project participant
  • Q & A

There will be a possibility to ask questions directly from a representative from the EACEA, the agency coordinating the Jean Monnet action. The webinar is held in English.

Registration to the webinar

Date and place

26.4.2021 10.00 – 11.30

Enrolment period

16.4.2021 – 21.4.2021 at 23:59 o'clock

