The study looks at the effectiveness of professional development projects from the viewpoint of both teachers and principals as well as pupils and parents, a perspective not often studied before in Finland. The data was collected through a survey.

Experiences of the impact of Erasmus+ staff mobility in Finnish schools
Pre-primary education
Upper secondary education
Basic education
Basic education in the arts
Early childhood education and care
Erasmus+ for general education
Personnel training
In 2016, Finland was a partner in a study which looked at how well the aims of the programme had been achieved in schools' professional development projects and what impact they had had on school communities. The survey Impact and Sustainability of the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 Mobility Projects for School Education Staff was coordinated by the Erasmus+ National Agency of Lithuania, and the other partners were Poland, Germany and Estonia.
The focus of the first research carried out in 2016 was the impact and sustainability of the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 (KA1) right after the completion of the projects, while this follow-up research performed in the year 2019 (two years after the end of the projects) focuses on the analysis of the long-term impact of the mobility.
The focus of the first research carried out in 2016 was the impact and sustainability of the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 (KA1) right after the completion of the projects, while this follow-up research performed in the year 2019 (two years after the end of the projects) focuses on the analysis of the long-term impact of the mobility.

Full study report: Finnish National Report (2016)
Year 2016
Impact and Sustainability of the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 Mobility Projects for School Education Staff.
Impact and Sustainability of the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 Mobility Projects for School Education Staff (2016)
Slideshow (pdf, 1006.59 KB)
Highlights anc conclusions. Report in brief (pdf, 1.65 MB)
Research report (pdf, 2.17 MB)
Recommendations for schools (pdf, 152.61 KB)