- ProgrammesYouthCivic activityErasmus+ for youth workEU youth programmesEuropean Solidarity Corps
- Recommended time approx. 5 minutes
- You have some information about Hanski. However, you will need more information to be able to continue the game.
- Develop Hanski’s character by using a mind map.
- List, write and, if needed, draw information about Hanski on the map:
- What kind of information do you think is missing about Hanski? For example, where does s/he live? How old is s/he? How does s/he live? Who are the other people in Hanski’s life? In other words, give her/him more substance.
Once you have completed exercise 1, you can move on to exercise 2
- Recommended time approx. 3-5 minutes
Examine Hanski’s dreams next:
- Which dreams of Hanski do we already know about?
- What are Hanski’s goals?
- What else does Hanski dream about?
Examine the below list of character traits, too. Select traits that you think Hanski will need to achieve her/his dreams and to overcome her/his challenges. Select at least two traits that you think will support Hanski’s journey.
- creative
- calm
- tense
- funny
- curious
- enthusiastic
- hardworking
- energetic
- empathetic
- decisive
- trustworthy
- sensitive
- dreamy
- lively
- vain
- responsible
- understanding
- easy-going
- reflective
- positive
- spirited
- suspicious
- vivacious
- talkative
- unsure
Once you have discussed dreams and selected Hanski’s traits, s/he is ready to start her/his journey and exercise 3.
- Recommended time approx. 10 minutes
Next Hanski has to face challenges in her/his everyday life. Your task is to help Hanski overcome the challenges as well as possible.
Hanski has struggled with alcohol abuse, which s/he has gradually overcome. S/he is applying for a place in a circus school and dreams about working in this field. S/he needs to submit a CV to the school. S/he is finding it difficult to do the CV. Every time s/he tries to make a list of her/his experience or the lack of it, it stigmatises her/him as somebody with mental health or alcohol problems.
1. Familiarise yourselves as a team with the following value of the Youth Strategy:
#5 Mental health and wellbeing
- Background: A significant and increasing number of young people across Europe are expressing their concern at the prevalence of mental health issues such as high stress, anxiety, depression and other mental illnesses amongst their peers. Young people cite the immense societal pressures they face today, and express a need for better youth mental health provision.
- Goal: To achieve better mental wellbeing and end stigmatisation of mental health issues, thus promoting social inclusion of all young people.
2. Help Hanski to do her/his CV. Design her/him a CV that would help her/him secure a place in a school or find a job as well as possible.
Once you have tackled exercise 3, you can move on to exercise 4.
- Recommended time approx. 10 minutes
There are still things to do before achieving the dreams.
Hanski has had to face challenges in her/his everyday life. Because of her/his background, s/he is at a real risk of social exclusion. Hanski finds it difficult to leave home and hasn’t got other people that share a similar life situation with her/him.
1. Familiarise yourselves as a team with the following value of the Youth Strategy:
#3 Inclusive societies
- Background: One third of young people in Europe are at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Many do not have access to their social rights. Many continue to face multiple discrimination, experience prejudice and hate crimes. New migratory phenomena brought several social and inclusion challenges. Therefore, it is crucial to work towards the fulfilment of the rights of all young people in Europe, including the most marginalised and excluded ones.
- Goal: Enable and ensure the inclusion of all young people in society.
2. Pohtikaa Hanskin arkea vastaamalla alla oleviin kysymyksiin. Ainakin 3 kysymyksessä on vastauksen oltava ei. Tutkikaa, mitä erilaisia polkuja eri lailla vastatut kysymykset tuovat. Miten Hanski selättää uhan syrjäytyä?
2. Think about Hanski’s life by answering the below questions. The answer will have to be ’no’ at least to 3 questions. Examine what kinds of different paths different answers lead to. How can Hanski overcome the risk of social exclusion?
a. Hanski wakes up at 9 in the morning. Does he get up?
- Yes: Why does s/he get up? What does s/he do first?
- No: Why does Hanski stay in bed? Is this common for Hanski?
b. Does Hanski eat breakfast?
- Yes: What does s/he eat?
- No: Why doesn’t s/he eat?
c. Hanski’s phone rings. The number starts with 02, meaning its the authorities. Could be the social services or the job centre, for example. Does Hanski answer the phone?
- Yes: What is the call about? How does the issue progress?
- No: Why doesn’t Hanski answer? What stops her/him?
d. The post has brought some new letters. Does Hanski open the letters?
- Yes: What are the letters about? Does Hanski always open letters?
- No: Why doesn’t Hanski open the letters? Is this usual for Hanski?
e. Hanski gets a text message from her/his youth outreach officer. The message is a reminder of their meeting taking place in an hour. Does Hanski go to the meeting?
- Yes: What kinds of issues Hanski wants to discuss with the outreach officer? How does Hanski’s issue progress?
- No: Why doesn’t Hanski go? How does Hanski’s issue progress? How does the outreach officer react to the cancellation?
f. Friends invite Hanski to join them for the evening, to play video games and to drink beer. Does Hanski go?
- Yes: What makes her/him go? What kinds of friends does Hanski have?
- No: Why does Hanski say no? What makes Hanski say no?
After completing exercise 4, you can move on to exercise 5 or to the wild card exercise.
- Recommended time 5-10 minutes
Hanski has now overcome her/his challenges and is heading to the future and her/his dreams. Your journey with Hanski is nearing its end.
The value #11 Youth organisations and European programmes of the EU Youth Strategy focuses on the significance of European youth organisations and programmes in building the European society and providing opportunities for the future of young people. European programmes include programmes such as the Erasmus+: Youth and the European Solidarity Corps If you have the time, you can do the wild card exercise instead of this one.
- How does Hanski’s life continue from now on?
- What advice would you give Hanski on her/his journey?
- How do you feel about Hanski’s chances on her/his journey?
- Could Hanski benefit from the Erasmus+ or the European Solidarity Corps programmes?
- If you wish, you could have a look at what the programmes cover.
- Be prepared to give a 1-minute elevator pitch to present Hanski and her/his journey to the other participants.
- So, there is only one minute to give the presentation.
- Recommended time approx. 15 minutes.
- Do this exercise after exercise 4, if you have the time.
- If you choose the wild card exercise, you don’t need to do exercise 5.
Hanski has been doing great and her/his journey towards her/his dreams has become clearer! You are almost done! Is there still something else you could offer Hanski to help her/him get closer to her/his dreams or to make them more achievable?
The value #11 Youth organisations and European programmes of the EU Youth Strategy focuses on the significance of European youth organisations and programmes in building the European society and providing opportunities for the future of young people. European programmes include programmes such as the Erasmus+: Youth and the European Solidarity Corps.
The wild card exercise allows you 5 minutes to plan a project that would offer Hanski opportunities on her/his path towards her/his dreams.
- The project can offer Hanski something new, too.
- Choose one of your first ideas and be brave developing your project.
- Be prepared to give a 1-minute elevator pitch to present Hanski and your project to the other teams.
- So, there is only one minute to give the presentation.
After the exercise, teams come together to present their projects. All teams will comment on each other’s projects.
- no set time for the duration
It is soon time to say goodbye to Hanski. Thank you for the shared journey with Hanski and the team!
Now gather together with the other teams.
At the end of the game, the facilitator will pose you some questions.