According to the Commission's policies, the Erasmus+ KA1 projects currently under way and being applied for, involving individual Russian citizens, can continue in terms of mobility for students, youth and staff.
This means that global mobility of higher education from or to Russia and the global components of conventional mobility in the higher education, vocational and youth sectors can still be implemented in ongoing projects. Any Erasmus+ mobility projects for youth and youth participation activities and European Solidarity Corps volunteering projects with individual Russian participants can also continue to operate.
With regard to the global mobility of higher education, this also means that the Finnish National Agency for Education will award grants for mobility cooperation also with Russia according to the normal criteria during the 2022 application round (the application period ended on 23 February 2022). Higher education institutions can themselves decide on launching the funded projects, taking national recommendations into account. Funds may also be transferred to cooperation with Ukraine if the country is partnered with the higher education institution under the same global mobility agreement.
Additionally, new grants (mobility of student, youth and staff) for individual mobility already applied for in 2022 can also be granted to Russian citizens.
However, both ongoing and new mobility activities should ensure that organisational support funds are not directed to Russian parties and that individual support is mainly paid directly to participants.