Exceptional measures for Erasmus+ KA1 mobility projects concerning persons arriving in Finland from Ukraine

In mobility activities (KA1-VET), education providers can use Erasmus+ project support to organise mobility periods in Finland for those fleeing the war in Ukraine starting from 11 April 2022. The possibility to redirect activities applies to approved KA121-VET and KA122-VET projects. If KA1 project funding is to be used for mobility periods to Finland for individuals who have fled from Ukraine, an additional agreement, "Ukraine Addendum to the Grant Agreement," will be made to the project contract. Please contact your project contact person at the national agency.

The beneficiary must implement the period in accordance with the objectives of the programme and the project and take into account the programme rules concerning possible changes in the project. The Erasmus+ grant may only be used for eligible costs defined in the funding rules. The total grant awarded to the project remains the same.   

Erasmus+ eligibility criteria:

Student mobility period requires that the person was enrolled in a VET programme at the moment of fleeing Ukraine. 

Staff mobility period requires that the person was employed in a VET organisation at the moment of fleeing Ukraine or has a relevant qualification. 

A mobility period as an invited expert requires that the person has relevant expertise for the needs of the inviting organisation. 

The beneficiary checks the eligibility of the participant from the applicable documents defined by the National Agency and the Programme Guide. Examples of applicable documents:

  • Learners: enrolment certificate, transcript of record, excerpt of the institution’s student register, certificate issued by an education institution or a relevant Ukrainian authority
  • Staff: payslip, teacher/staff diploma, work contract, certificate issued by an education institution or a relevant Ukrainian authority

However, education providers can be flexible in terms of documentation when ensuring the suitability of the person as grant recipient.

Funding rules:

  • Individual support: EUR per day by the country group of Finland (country group 19
  • Organisational support: 500 EUR per person (Erasmus Pro programmes, a shorter period 350 EUR)
  • Language support: maximum of 300 EUR per person (costs are verified with receipts)
  • Travel support (according to the Distance Calculator Ukraine–Finland), inclusion support, course fees: according to the general rules of the programme 

Those taking part in the mobility through exceptional measures are automatically participants with fewer opportunities. Inclusion support for the organisation is 100 EUR per person and possible inclusion support for the participant (verified with receipts).

The participants do not count towards the international mobility quota (maximum of 20%) in KA121-VET projects. 

Implementation practicalities: 

  • The evaluation, recognition and certification of learning outcomes during the period needs to follow the general quality standards of the programme.
  • Only the signature of the receiving organisation is required for the documents needed to authenticate the period.
  • The Learning Agreement is agreed and signed by the receiving organisation and the participant.

Please contact the National Agency's contact person if you need additional information for implementing mobility.