European SALTO Digital Resource Centre
Digital transformation in Education
The SALTO Digital Resource Centre (hosted by the Finnish National Agency for Education) supports, in line with the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) and the European Youth Strategy, the digital transformation as an overarching priority in both Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Programmes, seeking to continuously raise the quality of digital education and training and digital aspects in Youth. It acts as an evidence-based knowledge hub between policy and practice in the field of digital transformation.
Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects can play an important role in developing individual and institutional digital readiness, capacity and skills, thus offering everyone an equal opportunity to thrive in life, find employment, and be engaged citizens.
Digital transformation is especially important for education as a systemic process of change where technology is used to enable new processes and methods, with the goal to increase quality and inclusiveness of education. Purposeful use of digital, AI and other emerging technologies provides new learning and communication possibilities, enhances information access, and allows for modern pedagogical approaches for educators to further improve teaching and learners to improve their learning, in both formal and non-formal settings.
Capacity building
SALTO Digital develops learning resources on digital transformation, produces pedagogical and technical tools, organises trainings and forums and coordinates networks. The focus for capacity building in the National agencies is the Digital Contact Point network with contact persons in all 54 National Agencies.
Identifying & sharing good practices
SALTO Digital provides insight from the field, identifying good practice and examples on the implementation of the digital transformation priority in the programmes. The Centre also provides a framework for the National Agencies to aid in identifying good practices in the projects.
Analysis, publications & guidelines
SALTO Digital produces analysis, reports, guidelines and publications for different audiences, including National Agencies, policy makers and beneficiaries. All materials produced aim to be future-facing and anticipate future key trends and developments.