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Knowlede Hub on Digital Transformation in Education and Youth

Digital transformation in education can not only be seen as a technology to facilitate learning or youth engagement but as systemic change. European policies, such as the Digital Education Action Plan, call for development of high-performing educational ecosystems, including infrastructure, strategies, competence and pedagogy on all levels and sectors. Likewise, the development of digital skills of learners is an important aspect of educational content.

In the youth field, the situation is quite similar. While digital technology is often understood mostly as a tool to facilitate nonformal learning and youth engagement, it should also be seen as an opportunity to build new kind of youth work practice, as well as a central phenomena in young peoples lives to be addressed. Digital youth work can be a tool, activity or content in youth work, or all of these at once.

Video: Digital transformation in 4 minutes

In the context of the Erasmus+ and European Solidary Corps programmes, digital transformation can be examined in connection to other aspects and priorities of the programmes. The following questions may be utilized as a scaffold to observe the importance and influence of digital transformation:

  • How can digital transformation be a driving force for green transition?
  • What opportunities and challenges does digital transformation offer for inclusion?
  • What are the possibilities for making participation more appealing by using digital approaches?
  • Can digitalisation reinvigorate citizen participation in democratic life or will it bring only challenges?
  • What are the benefits and risks of hybrid or blended mobilities?​​​