Terms and conditions for registering for YKI tests changing in January 2025

Places for as many people as possible The YKI tests are very popular, and there have not always been enough places for everyone in the tests. The Finnish National Agency for Education wants to ensure...

Spring Forum for Higher Education International Affairs in Seinäjoki addressed the current state and future outlook of internationalisation

The 2024 Spring Forum took place in sunny South Ostrobothnia, on the campus of Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences. The event brought together over 400 colleagues and stakeholders involved in higher education internationalisation from across Finland.

Spring Forum for higher education international affairs brought together over 450 colleagues at Aalto University’s campus in Otaniemi

The event brought together more than 450 colleagues and stakeholder representatives working in the field of higher education international affairs across Finland. The theme of the Spring Forum was...

Vocational education and training in Ukraine reformed with Finnish support even in the middle of war

The aim of the EU4Skills – Better Skills for Modern Ukraine project implemented under the leadership of the Finnish National Agency for Education has been to support the reform and modernisation of vocational education and training (VET) in Ukraine. The project was launched in 2020 and will be completed in May 2023. However, further cooperation is already being planned.

Autumn Forum for HEIs’ International Issues: a joyful get-together that set its sights to future

The Autumn Forum for Higher Education Institutions’ International Issues was held in Oulu on 16–17 August 2022. The event brought together more than 250 experts of international cooperation from higher education institutions around Finland.

Focus on Africa event attracted a large number of participants

The importance of collaboration with African countries is growing in the youth and education sectors. With this in mind, the Finnish National Agency for Education organised a webinar entitled Focus on Africa on 9 December 2021, which highlighted the growing strategic focus and widening cooperation opportunities arising out of collaboration with African countries in the education and youth sectors.

The Framework for Qualifications and Other Competence Modules expands

The Finnish National Framework for Qualifications and Other Competence Modules expands on 15 February 2020. The following new competence modules will be placed on the following levels of the framework...
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