If you are moving from Finland to another EU or EEA member state as a professional or a manager of an undertaking, you may need to provide the authorities in that member state with a certificate specifying the type and duration of the professional activities in Finland.

The Finnish National Agency for Education can issue a certificate on the type and duration of professional activities in Finland, in cases involving the activities listed in Annex IV of the Professional Qualifications Directive (2005/36/EC). You must have practiced the professional activities either in a self-employed or an employed capacity or as a manager of an undertaking.

The Finnish National Agency for Education drafts the certificate based on the employment certificates you submit. If you have been a self-employed professional, a trade register extract and accountant's certificate involving the professional activity in question must be presented. The certificate is issued in Finnish or in Swedish.

Certificates regarding professional activities in the lift and electrical installations sector in Finland are issued by a qualification assessment body (SETI Oy).