General information about some foreign systems of education is available in the diagrams that the Finnish National Agency for Education has published for guidance purposes. They help guidance and student admission practitioners assess the level of a foreign qualification. The diagrams include the title of the qualification or education in the original language and English translation used in the country of origin.
Information about systems of education in different countries
- ServicesRecognition of qualifications
On the internet, there are many useful sources of information about systems of education and educational certificates in different countries. When searching for information about foreign systems of education and certificates, it is recommended that you use information given on the web pages of national authorities and the institution awarding the qualification as your primary source of information.
The ENIC-NARIC network has a website for sharing information to support recognition of qualifications, and on the you will find links to national sources of information. Through this website you have access to reliable information, especially on higher education qualifications, in for example the European countries, Australia, Canada and the United States.
In the following we have gathered also some other web sites of our foreign partner organisations that we use in our own work too. Some of these sites require registration.
- Portal of the ENIC-NARIC network
- Eurydice National Education Systems
- NORRIC - Nordic recognition information centres
- World Higher Education Database (WHED) - International Association of Universit…
- Anabin (Das infoportal zu ausländischen Bildungsabschlüssen) - Kultusministerko…
- Education systems - Nuffic (The Dutch organisation for internationalisation in …
- Naric-portalen - Universitets- och högskolerådet
- Country Education Profiles - Australian Government, Department of Education
- ECE® Connection
- EDGE (The Electronic Database for Global Education) - American Association of C…