The studies must be comparable in terms of extent, requirements and content to the higher education degree or study module, that is a qualification requirement for a position in Finland.
Recognition of foreign higher education studies as comparable to certain studies
• you have completed a higher education degree or higher education studies outside the EU/EEA,
• you are not an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen, or
• for some other reason you cannot receive a decision on recognition of professional qualifications
you can apply for a decision on recognition of your studies as comparable to a certain Finnish higher education degree or certain study module that is part of the requirements for a regulated profession in Finland.

When a higher education degree completed abroad is recognised as comparable to a certain Finnish higher education degree, supplementing studies may be required in the decision. The maximum extent of supplementing studies is one third of the total extent of studies leading to the qualification in question.
Example: When higher education studies completed abroad are deemed comparable to a Finnish Master of Laws degree with a minimum extent of 300 credits, no more than 100 credits of supplementing studies may be required.
When higher education studies completed abroad are recognised as comparable to certain Finnish higher education study module, supplementing studies may be required in the decision. The maximum extent of supplementing studies is half of the study module.
Example: When higher education studies completed abroad are deemed comparable to teacher's pedagogical studies, that have a minimum extent of 60 credits, no more than 30 credits of supplementing studies may be required.
If you receive a decision requiring you to complete supplementing studies, contact a Finnish higher education institute to complete them. Apply for a final decision from the Finnish National Agency for Education after you have completed the required supplementing studies.
Decisions on comparability of higher education degrees and studies are based on Act on Eligibility for Public Posts Provided by Higher Education Studies Completed Abroad (1385/2015).