Reports and reviews

Key figures on general upper secondary education in Finland

Student selection Statistics Upper secondary education
Key figures on general upper secondary education in Finland

Key figures on general upper secondary education in Finland.pdf
(pdf, 1.03 MB)


Did you know that in Finnish general upper secondary education:
- half of the students studying the advanced syllabus in mathematics were women in 2017
- the expenditure is only 6 % of the total expenditure on education

This information and a lot more is available in the report Key figures on general upper secondary education in Finland.

This report gives an overview of Finnish general upper secondary education. The report describes and provides statistical data on central features such as
admission, curriculum and completion as well as transition to further education. Other topics discussed are teachers, network of institution and expenditure.


Here you can find a brochure Facts and figures on general upper secondary education in Finland


Pirjo Karhu (Ed.)
Publication year
ISBN pdf
Publication series
Reports and surveys 2018:13
ISSN pdf
ISSN 1798-8926
Publication available for the following languages