Regulations and guidelines

National core curriculum for early childhood education and care 2018

Curriculum Early childhood education and care

This National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care is a national regulation issued by the Finnish National Agency for Education. It is used as the basis for preparing local curricula for early childhood education and care. The purpose of the core curriculum is to provide a common basis for local curricula. The core curriculum document steers the provision, implementation and development of early childhood education and care as well as promotes the implementation of high-quality and equal early childhood education and care in the entire country. The core curriculum contains references to the legislation governing early childhood education and care as well as instructions for preparing and developing local curricula.

The municipality, joint municipal authority or other service provider shall prepare and adopt a local curriculum compliant with this core curriculum at the latest on August 2019.

Publication year
ISBN pdf
978-952-13-6593-5 (ePub)
ISBN printed
Publication series
Regulations and guidelines 2018:3c
ISSN pdf
ISSN printed
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