Guides and handbooks

Prevention of and intervention in sexual harassments at schools and educational institutions – Summary

Welfare Home-school collaboration Teachers and educators Pupil and student welfare Security Vocational education and training Upper secondary education Basic education
Prevention of and intervention in sexual harassments at schools and educational institutions – Summary

Prevention of and intervention in sexual harassments at schools and educational institutions – Summary
(pdf, 112.55 KB)


As in the society in general, there is sexual harassment in schools and educational institutions. Every member of the school community can help to promote physical integrity and welfare of children and adolescents by actively preventing and combating sexual harassment.

This summary describes what sexual harassment means and how common it is. The summary is based on a Finnish guide that more extensively discusses the means provided for in the Finnish legislation and curricula as well as the means provided through teaching and student welfare services to prevent and address sexual harassment. The summary includes guidelines for learning providers, headmasters, teachers, personnel of the student welfare services as well as other personnel in educational institutions, students and guardians. Both the summary and the guide concern the relationships between the students and between the students and the personnel in the educational institutions, and they do not concern possible harassment between the adults working in the educational institutions.

Pamela Granskog, Sanna Haanpää, Jouni Järvinen, Matti Lahtinen, Kristiina Laitinen, Sari Turunen-Zwinger
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ISBN pdf
Publication series
Guides and handbooks 2018:4c
ISSN pdf
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