Reports and reviews

Report on competences and skills needs in the games industry

Education development Vocational education and training Engineering, manufacturing and construction Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Report on competences and skills needs in the games industry cover

Report on competences and skills needs in the games industry
(pdf, 1.23 MB)


The objective of the anticipation of competences and skills needs that is carried out by the Finnish National Board of Education is to produce a qualitative description of the competences and skills required in working life in the future. This publication reports on the results produced by the anticipation group for the games industry. The group composed of representatives from games industry, game oriented education and R&D-organizations and other expert groups. In the core of the group there were representatives from nine different National Education and Training Committees.

Ulla Taipale-Lehto, Jukka Vepsäläinen
Publication year
ISBN pdf
ISSN pdf
ISSN-L 1798-8918
Publication available for the following languages