EDUFI performs the technical eligibility check of the applications, and applications meeting the eligibility criteria will be sent for further qualitative evaluation.
The eligible project applications are evaluated in three phases. First, external evaluators perform a qualitative evaluation, based on set HEP project evaluation criteria. As a result of the consolidation meeting of the external experts, an application shortlist is produced. The number of the shortlisted applications is such that they amount together to twice the available funding.
Secondly, the MFA (regional departments, Embassies and sectoral policy advisors) will assess the development policy relevance and complementarity of the shortlisted applications.
Finally, the short list is discussed in an assessment meeting between the MFA, EDUFI and the representative of the group of external evaluators. The meeting should not change the score of any shortlisted project more than +/-5 % of the total initial score.
The MFA makes the final state aid decision within the framework of the appropriations approved by the Finnish Parliament. Decisions are based on the Act on Discretionary Government Transfers (Valtionavustuslaki 688/2001).
The MFA sends applicants either a positive or a negative financing decision. The applicants with positive decision are also provided with information on the conditions and applicable costs, as well as reporting and billing requirements. The decisions are expected towards the end of 2023.
After the Finnish HEI approves the decision on state aid, the project implementation can begin. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is in charge of administrative procedures, including the payment of state aid. State aid is paid into the coordinating Finnish HEI’s account. However, EDUFI provides first-hand guidance and training as well as comments on the reports.
January 2023
Advertisement about the coming Call for Applications
February 2023
The Call for Applications open, guidance for applicants
May 2023
The deadline for the submission of Applications
August 2023
The evaluation process by the evaluators is complete
October 2023
The financing decision by the MFA
January 2024
The project starts