Key information
Introducing Reverse Innovation Model in HEI in Tanzania (IRIS)
Project Budget: €305 008 with MFA funding, total project budget €382 951
Project Duration: 1.3.2017–30.3.2020
Coordinating Institution: Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Partner Institution(s): Tumaini Dar Es Salaam College (TUDARCo), Tanzania
Project description and Key Results
The aim of the IRIS project was to promote the innovation skills of the students and to encourage higher education institution members to network with working life, organisations, and authorities so that learning is a reciprocal and expansive experience. The IRIS project aimed to connect Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College (TUDARCo) with its surrounding local society under the framework of reverse innovation, which focuses on phenomena arising from local communities.
On the main results of the project was the development of the FinTan model, an innovation pedagogy model for higher learning institutions in Tanzania. The model was developed through a co-creative process and later successfully accredited to the TUDARCo’s curriculum. The FinTan model advocates active teaching and learning methods, according to which working life competencies are not achieved through theory-based lectures, but by enriching theory with practical working life assignments.
One of the project's achievements was TUDARCo’s growing networks with the private, public and NGO sectors, which strengthened the impact of higher education institution, improved the relevance of curricula and enabled students to create concrete working life relationships during their studies. Part of the development of pedagogy was a new multidisciplinary collaboration, where teachers and students from different fields conducted joint learning projects with working life. The change from teacher-centered learning to student-centered approach improved student engagement. Students developed their working life competences, entrepreneurial skills, critical thinking, problem-based learning and creativity.