
ID Talks Peers and Mental Health

A graphic recording about ID Talks Peers and Mental Health.

(pdf, 1.49 MB)


Peer-to-peer work is nothing new: it is successfully used both in formal and non-formal education settings. But how can peer support improve young people's mental health and well-being? How does this peer-to-peer magic work in practice? How can you address bullying and do information and prevention work through this approach? And, last but not least, what is the role of you(th workers) in this process? Learn about the power of peer support and its positive impact on young people’s lives.

Guest speaker: Inge Esselen from Belgium - FL.

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Mental Health in Youth Work is a long term project of the National Agencies of Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps.

Mental Health in Youth Work: a long term project of the National Agencies of Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps
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