Peruttu: Professional development of teacher trainers: challenges for the 21st century

Seminaari Korkeakoulutus Erasmus+

Alankomaiden kansallinen Erasmus+ toimisto järjestää TCA-seminaarin "Professional development of teacher trainers: challenges for the 21st century". Seminaari järjestetään Leidenissä, Alankomaissa 15.-17.4.2020. 

Seminaariin voi osallistua vain, jos Erasmus+ -ohjelman kansallinen toimisto on myöntänyt osallistujalle apurahan. Apuraha myönnetään aina organisaatiolle. Opetushallitus on varannut tähän seminaariin 2 paikkaa suomalaisille osallistujille. Hakeminen seminaariin tapahtuu jättämällä sähköinen hakemus perjantaihin 28.2.2020 mennessä.

Opetushallitukselta voi hakea apurahaa matkakuluihin todellisten kulujen mukaan (max. 750 euroa) sekä tarvittaessa oleskeluun ylimääräiselle matkustuspäivälle 100 €/päivä. Alankomaiden kansallinen toimisto maksaa osallistujien majoituskulut. Tarkemmat tiedot hakuohjeessa.


Tilaisuuden tarkemmat tiedot ja hakuohjeet


In this TCA we will focus on the continuous professional development of teachers and teacher trainers,  facing the challenges of the 21st century (like teacher shortage, the digital revolution and increasing diversity in the international/ intercultural classroom).  And how can international mobilities play a role here? The TCA will offer ample opportunities for networking and exchanging ideas, practices and research findings.

Intended outcomes

After the seminar, participants will be aware of the needs and wants for the continuous professional development of teachers and teacher trainers in the 21st century. They have become aware of the opportunities to embed staff mobilities of teachers and teacher trainers into the human resource policy of the organization. Also, participants have gained new connections to collaborate at an international level on the themes addressed and they will have broadened their European network.

The NA Erasmus+ is therefore organizing this seminar especially for teacher trainer institutes that are committed to the professional development of teacher trainers by the means of international activities and staff mobilities.

Participants’ profile

This event is open to 40 participants from teacher trainer institutions (higher education), with a strategic role in internationalisation, professional development and/or human resource development.

The official language of the TCA is English.


Aika ja paikka

15. – 17.4.2020


18.2.2020 – 1.3.2020 klo 23:59

