Erasmus+ temaattinen seminaari korkeakoulutukselle: LET'S TALK ABOUT THE ERASMUS CHARTER FOR HIGHER EDUCATION: WHAT ABOUT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECHE PRINCIPLES…?, Alankomaat, 31.5-2.6.2023

Seminaari Korkeakoulutus Erasmus+ Erasmus+ korkeakoulutukselle

Aika: 31.5.-2.6.2023

Paikka: Hague, Alankomaat

Järjestäjä: Alankomaiden Erasmus+ -ohjelman kansallinen toimisto

Työkieli: englanti

Alankomaiden Erasmus+ -ohjelman kansallinen toimisto järjestää temaattisen seminaarin "LET'S TALK ABOUT THE ERASMUS CHARTER FOR HIGHER EDUCATION: WHAT ABOUT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECHE PRINCIPLES…?korkeakoulutuksen sektorin toimijoille. Seminaari on kohdennettu henkilöille, jotka työskentelevät Erasmus+ koordinaattoreina, henkilöille, jotka työskentelevät ECHE kanssa, asiantuntijoille ja opiskelija järjestöille. 

Seminaarin tavoitteena on tehdä ECHEstä, sen implementoinnista sekä seurannasta laadukkaampaa ja tunnetumpaa. 


Seminaarin kuvaus:

The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) provides the general quality framework for European and international cooperation activities. As a tool, the ECHE has particular power, in that HEIs in “programme countries” wishing to participate in Erasmus+ must first apply for an ECHE and then obtain it. HEIs in third countries not associated to the programme wishing to participate in Erasmus+ individual mobility must also guarantee that they will apply the principles it contains.

The principles are not new. They build on the rules and tools elaborated over the last decades in order to ensure transparency, fairness and effectiveness in the organisation of student mobility. In the new ECHE though, more policy oriented principles were added: Inclusion, Green Erasmus, Digital Transition, Participation in the Democratic Process.

The award of an ECHE asks for a greater involvement of HEI staff in fostering an institutional culture of strategic thinking, transparency, fairness, effectiveness and true introduction of the new policy principles, rather than promoting simplistic adhesion to formal rules.

National Agencies have the task to monitor how the HEIs comply with the ECHE principles. They encourage and support the HEIs with the implementation of the principles. During this TCA we would like to tackle the following questions:

  • What is the state of play concerning the implementation of the ECHE principles by the HEIs in Europe?
  • How do HEIs mobilise the implementation of the ECHE principles “at home”?
  • Who is involved in the implementation of the ECHE at HEIs?
  • How do NAs monitor the ECHE?
  • Is there an ECHE strategy at the level of the NAs and/or HEIs?
  • What concrete changes/improvements would you would like to achieve when it comes to the implementation of the ECHE? (formulate your own action plan!)

In this TCA we will focus on the ECHE and (international) mobility as a whole. We don’t focus on one or two specific principles.

Expected results:

  • More awareness on the role and importance of the ECHE as an instrument for the quality of international mobility activities and the impact of internationalisation.
  • Platform for the exchange of ideas and good practices regarding the monitoring and implementation of the ECHE.
  • Action plans for participants / organisations / NAs for implementing/strengthening the principles of the ECHE.
  • Recommendations for the EC regarding the ECHE.


Additional information:

The event will take place in The Hague. The programme will start with a dinner on Wednesday 31 May, so we expect participants to arrive in the afternoon at the latest. And the programme will end with a lunch on Friday 2 June, so participants will leave after lunch. We will cover 2 nights at the hotel plus all meals on the programme. Sending NA’s will pay for their participants’ travel costs. Should participants need any extra nights, they will have to arrange this themselves with the hotel.



Haussa on yhteensä 3-4 paikkaa suomalaisille korkeakoulutuksen osallistujille. Tapahtumaan osallistuminen on maksutonta ja Opetushallituksesta voi hakea apurahaa matkakustannuksiin . Lue lisää kulujen korvaamisesta osallistujalle:

 TCA-tapahtumaan osallistuminen ja korvattavat kulut

Hakeminen tapahtuu SALTO-portaalin kautta. Hae tapahtumaan alla olevasta painikkeesta.

Hakuaika päättyy 31.3.202


AnneSophie Hokkanen (korkeakoulutus), annesophie.hokkanen [at] (annesophie[dot]hokkanen[at]oph[dot]fi), +358 029 533 1127


Tapahtuman infosivu ja hakulomake Salto-portaalissa

Aika ja paikka

31.5. – 2.6.2023


16.1.2023 – 31.3.2023 klo 23:59