- ProjektHögskoleutbildningHEI ICI / HEPInternationalisering
Key information
Teacher Preparation Programme through ODL Mode for Enhancing Quality in Education (TPP-Nepal)
Project Budget: €665 954 with MFA funding, total project budget €844 038
Project Duration: 1.3.2017–30.3.2020
Coordinating Institution: JAMK University of Applied Sciences
Partner Institution(s): Tribhuvan University, Nepal; HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Project description and Key Results
Teacher Preparation Programme through ODL Mode for Enhancing Quality in Education (TPP-Nepal Project) was a capacity development project between Tribhuvan University, Nepal and JAMK University of Applied Sciences together with HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland. The partnership was established during a previous project, Training of Trainers for the Teacher Qualification Upgrading Programme in Nepal (ToT Nepal), that ended in 2015.
Tribhuwan University, one of the largest universities in Nepal worked in collaboration with seven campuses of six different provinces for the implementation of the project. This project was based upon the National School Sector Development Plan (SSDP 2016/17 – 2022/2023) and it emerged out of the need to build capacities of teachers teaching at secondary level especially in subjects such as Social Studies, Science and Maths. The Open and Distance Learning Centre functions as a major body to make such opportunities available and accessible to teachers from different parts of the country through its online and distant education.
As a result of this project, three new university degree programmes have been started in Mahendra Ratna Campus along with the help of six other campuses. It includes a two semester M. Ed Science program along with two semester B. Ed Social Studies and Math programmes. The campus received 153 applicants out of which only 101 were selected to enroll in the programme in the initial phase. Furthermore, 100 teacher trainers, ODL (Open and Distance Learning) coordinators, ICT (Information and Communications Technology) experts and other staff members of the Faculty of Education in TU (TU-FoE) have been trained in the practical implementation of ODL pedagogy and ICT skills. All the seven campuses have strengthened capacities and infrastructures to provide ICT support to the teacher students. The number of females and vulnerable groups has increased up to 10% in the ODL programmes.
In order to emphasize the lessons learnt, the implemented pedagogical approaches and challenges, a joint publication on ODL development and pedagogy has been published. Also, an ODL-friendly curricula and teacher handbook has been published so that the teachers can gain knowledge regarding the implementation of ODL. Above all, the TPP project has been able to meet the learning needs of the teacher educators and has been successful in training the teacher educators in using ODL programmes.