- ProjektHögskoleutbildningHEI ICI / HEPInternationalisering
Key information
Geospatial and ICT capacities in Tanzanian Higher Education Institutions (Geo-ICT)
Project Budget: €699 850 with MFA funding, total budget €875 557 euros
Project Duration: 1.3.2017– 30.3.2020
Coordinating Institution: University of Turku, Finland
Partner Institution(s): University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Tanzania; Ardhi University (ARU), Tanzania; State University of Sansibar (SUZA), Tanzania and Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania
Project description and Key Results
The Geo-ICT project focused on improving the quality of higher education and research environment in the sector of geospatial-ICT and strengthening the role and relevance of higher education institutions (HEIs) in development of the society in the sector. The project aimed at improving the skills and pedagogical competence of staff, renewing teaching structures and materials, as well as upgrading research and education environment with key infrastructures.
Geo-ICT has impacted Tanzanian society with several new and renewed curricula programmes, as well as improved skills and competences of the staff and students in four HEIs. The project has significantly improved both internal and inter-institutional operational capacities and thus laid the foundation for a transformative change in the growth of the skills of the young population in a rapidly digitizing society. With improved geospatial and ICT skills, and access to open data and freeware, graduates are now able to analyse, estimate and monitor various social phenomena, and in the long term contribute to the growth of data-driven and evidence-based management and decision-making.
The project has had a positive impact on the capacity of HEIs to respond to societal needs and to solve societal problems. Interaction with stakeholders has helped HEIs to update their perception of current problems and how HEIs can contribute to them. The project’s focus on innovation, entrepreneurial ecosystems and stakeholder cooperation has substantially improved HEIs competences to operate in synergy with private sector actors and innovation centres, which gather the young generation of enthusiasts to solve societal problems with the help of technology and data.
In addition to the planned results, Geo-ICT has achieved unforeseen spin-offs: further education cooperation beyond the project's goals, research ideas and additional funding opportunities. The cooperation and funding from the World Bank and the activities around the Resilience Academy have brought good synergy and also supported the achievement of the planned project results.