6 events

Information meeting

Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships for higher education: tips from projects to applicants

Time and location:
7.2.2025 09.00 – 10.00
Welcome to hear the experiences of three projects and their tips on international cooperation! This webinar is aimed for those interested in applying for an Eramus+ Cooperation Partnership for higher...
Network meeting

Skills for Planning and Running Youth Exchanges

Time and location:
22.2.2025 09.30 – 16.00
Radisson Blu Seaside Hotel, Helsinki
This training will give you basic understanding on what are the good quality ways of organising international youth exchanges.

TFK programme's regional webinars, Call 2025

Time and location:
5. – 28.3.2025
The purpose of the Team Finland Knowledge programme is to create and strengthen cooperation between Finnish higher education institutions and the target regions and countries selected to the TFK...

Recognition of qualifications at the Finnish National Agency for Education and at the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health, Valvira (in English)

Time and location:
13.3.2025 09.00 – 11.00
Welcome to learn about recognition of qualifications at the Finnish National Agency for Education and Valvira. In the webinar, specialists from the unit for recognitions and qualifications will present the topic, and you will have an opportunity to ask them questions.

Inclusion in internationalisation of higher education expert network's first meeting

Time and location:
18.3.2025 13.00 – 15.00
To support inclusion in internationalisation, the International Higher Education Cooperation Unit of the Finnish National Agency for Education is launching the Inclusion in Higher Education...

Korkeakoulujen Erasmus+ -liikkuvuuden koordinaattoritapaaminen 2025

Time and location:
3. – 4.4.2025
Opetushallitus, Helsinki
Erasmus+ -liikkuvuuden kevään 2025 koordinaattoritapaaminen järjestetään lähitilaisuutena 3. - 4.4.2025 Opetushallituksen tiloissa Helsingin Hakaniemessä. Ohjelma julkaistaan ja ilmoittautuminen...
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