151 related items

Recognition of foreign qualifications in Finland


Recognition of foreign qualifications in Finland
Keywords Internationalisation Vocational education and training Higher education
Prevention of violent radicalisation and extremism in vocational education and training


Prevention of violent radicalisation and extremism in vocational education and training
Keywords Welfare Cultural diversity Security Vocational education and training
ID Talks Participation and Mental Health


ID Talks Participation and Mental Health
Keywords Welfare Equality and engagement
Mental Health in Youth Work Inspiring Event Report

Reports and reviews

Mental Health in Youth Work Inspiring Event Report
Keywords Welfare Equality and engagement Youth
ID Talks Solutions and Mental Health


ID Talks Solutions and Mental Health
Keywords Welfare
ID Talks Art-Story and Mental Health


ID Talks Art-Story and Mental Health
Keywords Welfare
ID Talks Peers and Mental Health


ID Talks Peers and Mental Health
Keywords Welfare
ID Talks Movement and Mental Health


ID Talks Movement and Mental Health
Keywords Welfare
Showing 1-9/151