It is important that an opportunity to continue studying in a safe general upper secondary community that strengthens inclusion is offered quickly to young people who have fled the war in Ukraine to Finland. Information on the opportunities in general upper secondary education has been compiled on this page.
Kuvituskuva: oppilaita luokassa

Young people from Ukraine are making their way to different parts of Finland, and refugee numbers are likely to increase. Some Ukrainians will continue their journey from Finland to some other European country, others will move from one place of residence to another within Finland's borders, and yet others have found a more permanent place of residence straight after arriving. It still difficult to estimate how many people from Ukraine will arrive in the end and how many of them will apply for a study place in upper secondary education. Most of the refugees will certainly want to return to their homeland as quickly as possible but as yet, no one knows the timetable for their return. 

Those who have fled Ukraine can apply for temporary protection in Finland. For more information on the principles governing Ukrainians’ entry into Finland, see the websites of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Finnish Immigration Service.