You cannot apply for the EDUFI Fellowship grant for yourself. The applicant must be a representative of a Finnish university department, usually your research supervisor.
EDUFI Fellowship - UKK
The motivation letter must be written by a representative of a Finnish university, usually your research supervisor.
You are eligible, if:
- You are a non-Finnish post-graduate (post Master’s degree) student invited to Finland AND
- You have not resided in Finland for more than one year at the time of submitting the application. All different time periods in the recent years counted together should not exceed 12 months.
You do not yet need have an official PhD student status to be eligible. However, the research we can finance has to be a part of your PhD. Please note, that the applicant must be a representative of a Finnish university, usually your research supervisor.
Visiting PhD level students are eligible, if the motivation letter of the hosting Finnish university department presents exceptionally good grounds for the visit.
In total, you can receive EDUFI Fellowship grant for 12 months (6 months for visits). In case you were granted less than 12 (or 6 months), your Finnish supervisor can apply for a new grant provided that you still fulfill the program eligibility criteria, i.e. you have lived in Finland less than 12 months at the time of submitting the application.
The application will be processed in the same manner as on the first round. We need an application form, your research supervisor’s motivation letter, your CV and a research plan for the applied period (all documents updated of course). In addition, a free-form progress report should be attached to the application. Please note that also this application must be submitted by your research supervisor.
EDUFI Fellowship grants are only meant for post-graduate (post Master’s degree) students and cannot be granted for Bachelor/Master/post doc -level studies.
Your supervisor can submit the application and we can start processing it before you have your Master’s degree.
However, we can only make a final decision after we receive a copy of the candidate’s degree, an official certificate from their home university stating that their studies and final thesis have been successfully completed, but the certificated have not yet been issued (e.g. from the dean), or if the candidate has been granted a right to post-graduate studies.