Erasmus+ Higher Education: Accreditation of Higher Education Mobility Consortia (KA130) round ends 23.2.2023
- Funding state
- Application period
3.12.2022 – 23.2.2023 at 13:00 o'clock
- Application form
Application deadline expired
In addition to single higher education institutions, mobility consortia formed by higher education institutions and other organisations can also organise Erasmus+ mobility periods in the 2023 application round.
A mobility consortium is required an accreditation awarded by the National Agency. A new consortium applies for the accreditation with a separate application form (Accreditation of Higher Education Mobility Consortia, KA130). EDUFI uses accreditation as a procedure to ensure a consortium is eligible to apply for funding. Accreditation gives the consortium the right to apply for European and Global mobility funding.
Deadline for applications is 22 February 2023 at 13.00 Finnish time (12.00 CET).