- Maintains an open to all Eurodesk Opportunity Finder - search engine, where you can search for opportunities in international mobility, funding, influencing, and participation.
- Manages European Youth Portal, which is an information channel for youth created by the European Commission. In the portal young people will register, for example, to European Solidarity Corps, participate in #DiscoverEU travel cards giveaway, and receive information about the youth dialogue happening in the European union.
- Answers to questions the youth has send through the youth portal.
At the European level the network is coordinated by Eurodesk Brussels Link, located in Brussels.
National coordinators are responsible for the Eurodesk operation. In Finland, the Eurodesk coordination is located at the Finnish National Agency for Education. National Eurodesks have differences, depending on the country's situation and needs.
Eurodesks main target in Finland is informing the youth and giving guidance by the suitable professionals. Eurodesk will offer them knowledge, guidance, training and tools about international possibilities to share to the youth. Thematically Finland's Eurodesk is focused on youth internationalisation outside schools, on their free-time, hobbies and organisational activities.
At the Finnish National Agency for Education, Eurodesk is located at Internationalisation Services for Youth, Culture and Sport. Finland's Eurodesk activity is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the European Commission as part of the Erasmus+ programme.