This material has been drawn up to support the discussion of the crisis situation in Ukraine in basic education and general upper secondary education. Material has been compiled on this page under those points in the curricula for some subjects that would be suitable for discussing the Ukraine crisis. It is a topical issue that can also be discussed in other subjects. The material can be used in ways that are appropriate and suitable for the different age groups.

The basic information related to the Ukraine crisis and the questions it evokes can be discussed as a natural part of everyday activities in basic education and general upper secondary education. The material is aimed at ensuring that every pupil and student in education following a national core curricula has the opportunity to talk and receive basic information about the Ukraine crisis and how it affects the situation in Finland.

In most subjects, topics and phenomena related to the crisis can be discussed diversely using a variety working methods and source materials. The aim is to give the pupils and students information about the crisis and its background and to provide them with tools for processing their thoughts, feelings and fears. 

In a crisis situation, the staff's task is to create and support a sense of security and safety and maintain everyday life that is as normal as possible for the pupils and students. The staff know the pupils and students of their own school and their situation best and are able to choose the contents, the scope of the discussion and the possible division of work (e.g., by subject or by teacher) to be used in their own operation. It is possible to get support from student welfare services for discussing the crisis.

In addition to discussing the crisis, it is also important to make sure that, to counterbalance the situation that causes anxiety, pupils and students have enough other activities directing their thoughts and mind to other, joyful activities that create faith in the future.