Reports and reviews

Education, training and demand for labour in Finland by 2025

Foresight Vocational education and training
Education, training and demand for labour in Finland by 2025 cover

Hanhijoki, I., Katajisto, J., Kimari, M., and Savioja, H. Education, Training and Demand for Labour in Finland by 2025. 2012.
(pdf, 4.09 MB)


This report provides a description of the Mitenna model for anticipation of long-term demand for labour and educational needs, complete with anticipation data relating to demand for labour up until 2025 as well as intake needs for education and training in the latter part of the 2010’s based on this data. The report also describes the use of anticipation results in preparation of the Development Plan for Education and Research adopted by the Government. The purpose of the report is to offer a concise overview of long-term quantitative anticipation of demand for labour and educational needs for international experts in the field and other people interested in anticipation of educational needs.

Ilpo Hanhijoki, Jukka Katajisto, Matti Kimari and Hannele Savioja
Publication year
ISBN pdf
ISBN printed
Publication series
Publications 2012:16
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