The safe everyday life at school with its routines and interactions is integrative for students. It is therefore essential that the children and young people arriving in Finland are provided with an opportunity to go to school and receive student welfare services as quickly as possible. Engaging in the everyday life of the school and becoming part of the community strengthen the pupil's experience of continuity and sense of safety also in situations where they have been shaken.
Communal student welfare services are the primary way of implementing student welfare and a joint effort of the staff working in the school. Communal work is by nature preventative and also reduces the need for individual support in the long-term. Communal work promotes both the learning and well-being of pupils and the good interaction, togetherness and safety of the entire community.
Communal student welfare means the daily looking after of pupils’ and the whole community’s well-being. It is the most effective when the teaching staff implements it as part of the teaching and the professionals of student welfare services as communal work. When a pupil fleeing war arrives in the school community, the practices are agreed on together. The pupil’s arrival in the school community requires agreement on the community’s practices. It is important that all adults ensure that also the newcomers find their place in the community and the class and no one is left on their own.
The school community does not tolerate bullying, violence, discrimination or racism. Inappropriate behaviour is intervened in immediately. The measures that prevent and reduce these unwanted phenomena and taking care of the school's preparedness to act in different problem and crisis situations are part of communal student welfare.
The school’s student welfare work as a whole is guided by the school welfare plan. The plan is a living document that is updated when necessary. Changes in the school environment may affect the need to review, for example, the assessment of the overall need for student welfare or the allocation of resources for student welfare services in the school, which is part of the school welfare plan.