Faktaa and Facts Express

Facts Express 3C/2018: Tutor teacher activities in basic education in Finland

Digitalisation Basic education
Facts Express 3C/2018 cover

Facts Express 3C/2018
(pdf, 2.55 MB)


This publication presents the key findings of a survey conducted in 2017 by the Finnish National Agency for Education on the training and activities for tutor teachers.

In June 2015, Minister of Education Sanni Grahn-Laasonen published five key projects aimed at developing knowledge and education. The first of these was new learning environments and digital materials to comprehensive schools, and one of its key development areas is the basic and in-service teacher training.

Tutor teacher activities are one of the most significant practical measures in reaching Finland’s goal of having the most competent teachers in the world. The activities are supported with 23 million euros in 2016–2018. The objective of the New Comprehensive School programme is to have tutor teachers in all 2,500 comprehensive schools in Finland to embrace new pedagogical approaches and promote the digitalisation of teaching. The tutor teacher activities have been particularly supported with discretionary government transfers, which education providers have been able to apply for from the Finnish National Agency for Education.

In 2017, the Finnish National Agency for Education carried out a survey on the training and activities for tutor teachers to assess the impact of the discretionary government transfers. 289 education providers in Finland responded to the survey. The key findings of the survey are presented in this publication.

6 p.

Publication year
ISBN pdf
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Publication series
Facts Express
ISSN pdf
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