Guides and handbooks

Schools reaching out to a global world

Internationalisation Cultural diversity
Schools reaching out to a global world

Schools reaching out to a global world
(pdf, 4.51 MB)


What competences do global citizens need?

This publication is intended to serve the curricular reform of basic education and general upper secondary education. The Finnish National Board of Education has implemented a global education development project entitled As a Global Citizen in Finland in cooperation with the Development Communications Group of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the school network and several experts. The project was launched in the autumn of 2010 and ended in late 2011. The project reflected on global citizenship and what competences global citizens need. The project’s key outcomes have been compiled in this publication. 

Liisa Jääskeläinen ja Tarja Repo (toim.)
Publication year
ISBN pdf
ISBN printed
Publication series
Publications 2011:34
Publication available for the following languages