FinCEED - The Finnish Centre of expertise in Education and Development
FinCEED - The Finnish Centre of expertise in Education and Development strengthens the role of Finland in providing solutions for the global learning crisis. FinCEED also enhances Finnish capacity in education and development cooperation.
The objectives of the centre are:
- to enhance capacity and expertise in education and development by providing training and managing an expert pool
- to deploy Finnish experts in short-term and long-term expert tasks and missions in the education sector
- to promote networking and support multistakeholder collaboration and advocacy in education and development
FinCEED operates under the Finnish National Agency for Education and Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland provides funding through its development cooperation funds.
Read more:
Finnish expertise in supporting global learning
Advocacy - FinCEED supports high-quality and inclusive education in developing countries
Exploring Finnish Digital Education
Learning materials for education and development
Download the FinCEED brochure below:
Join the FinCEED Expert Directory
By joining the expert pool, you can receive education sector development cooperation tasks and international job opportunities. The offers can be, for example, short-term tasks in Finnish embassies abroad or support for partner country’s education sector officers and stakeholders at the partner country or from Finland. Fees and an all the costs are covered by FinCEED. The register is currently under development.
Read more and join the FinCEED Expert DirectoryOpen Assignments
FinCEED deploys experts in short-term assignments in the education sector in the developing countries. Please find and apply for open expert assignments through this web page.
Open assignmentsTrainings
Are you an education sector specialist willing to develop your skills and knowledge on education and international development? FinCEED offers training in education sector development cooperation. The training focuses on education sector development cooperation, Finland’s strengths in education and gives participants practical skills for successfully perform as an education expert in development cooperation and in international organisations. See the topical trainings and events below and find learning materials and online courses provided by other organisations.
Find learning materials for education and developmentNews
EDUFI Active in Developing Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan AfricaNews
Foreign Ministry to support five Finnish higher education institutions in their collaboration with developing countriesTeam Europe Initiatives
The Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) implements the following Team Europe programmes as part of the Global Gateway investment package of the European Commission: Regional Facility for Teachers in Africa (RFTA) and Opportunity-Driven Skills and Vocational Education and Training (OP-VET). Both programmes are regional, focusing on sub-Saharan African countries. The RFTA programme focuses on teacher education and teacher professional development, while the OP-VET programme addresses vocational education and training from an opportunity-driven perspective. Both programmes are funded by the European Commission.
Read more about the initiativesAdvocacy
In line with the main goals of Finland’s development policy of eradicating poverty and reducing inequalities, FinCEED supports development policy priorities in the education sector: increasing access to high-quality basic education as well as upper secondary education and vocational education and training, taking particularly into account girls and vulnerable children and young people; and strengthening both the inclusiveness of education systems and the quality of teaching and learning outcomes.
Read more about FinCEED's advocacy workNetworking
Are you an education and development sector expert? You can be already a seasoned specialist or in the beginning of your career path. Perhaps you are still studying but already interested in education and development sector missions abroad? FinCEED brings together education specialists from different fields and organisations by providing events, trainings and networking opportunities. FinCEED hosts a Howspace networking platform to exchange information, to chat and to find further opportunities for cooperation. If you want to join the platform, please contact us
Howspace-platformContact us
In general inquiries, please contact finceed(at) You may also contact our FinCEED experts directly:
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