The autumn mobility periods under the Erasmus+ programme and the volunteering activities, jobs and traineeships of the European Solidarity Corps can be started virtually if it is not yet possible to start the physical mobility period in the destination country because of the exceptional conditions. However, the physical part of the mobility, which is to be implemented in the destination country later, must be planned at the same time. This physical mobility period must meet the requirements for the minimum duration of the activities. There may be some time between the virtual and the physical mobility period as long as the physical period ends during the validity of the project agreement. Both the virtual and the physical period will be taken into account in the identification and recognition of learning.
No support can be granted to mobility periods that have been designed to be totally virtual. An exception is made with Erasmus+ for general education and Erasmus+ for adult education staff exchanges, in which totally virtual training periods for staff are also possible. However, in this case organisational support for mobility is the only costs that can be accepted.
If the planned physical mobility period cannot be completed because of a change in the coronavirus situation, it can be cancelled entirely or replaced with an extension of the virtual period. In that case, the situation and the incurred costs will be processed as a case of force majeure.
The Erasmus+ grant will not be paid to the participant during the virtual period of the Erasmus+ programme, but the educational institution is entitled to the normal organisational support for mobility once the virtual period has started. In the youth sector, 35% of the organisational support will be paid during virtual mobility. A pocket money is paid to the volunteers in the volunteering activities in the Solidarity Corps. In both programmes, the additional support/inclusion support aimed at participants with special needs can also be paid for the duration of the virtual period.
For justified reasons, costs related to the acquisition or rental of the equipment or services required for virtual exchanges can be accepted in the category of exceptional costs even if they have not been budgeted for the project.
As for physical mobility periods, the normal funding rules will be followed.
Depending on the activity and target group, there are minor differences in the rules. More detailed information can be found in the Addendum sent to the beneficiaries.