
Foreign Ministry to support five Finnish higher education institutions in their collaboration with developing countries

In 2024–2026, the higher education cooperation of Finland’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs will prioritise teacher education, climate change and the circular economy, and food security. The Foreign Ministry grants just over EUR 6 million to the seven projects approved for the partnership programme.
Press release

Over 9 400 study places available in the autumn joint application 

The autumn joint application to higher education begins on 4th September 2023 at 8:00 (UTC+3) and ends on 14th September at 15:00 (UTC+3). In the autumn joint application, you can apply to degree programmes starting in January 2024. You can fill in the application on

Qualification requirements in VET are developed in a customer-oriented manner

An international peer review examined how the Finnish National Agency for Education uses the feedback received from customers in the development of the qualification requirements and in ensuring their high quality. The transparency and participatory nature of the processes was considered a strength of the Finnish system. There is room for improvement in the systematic utilisation of feedback data and communication about the different stages of the qualification requirements work.

Number of people utilising Finnish higher education institutions’ guidance services aimed at students with an immigrant or foreign background increased

The number of students with an immigrant or foreign background studying at Finnish higher education institutions has increased significantly, having more than doubled between 2010 and 2020. The customer numbers of guidance services intended to support the higher education and employment of people born outside of Finland have also increased significantly in recent years, reveals a newly published report by the Finnish National Agency for Education.
Press release

Admission offered to 9,600 applicants in the spring joint application to higher institutions

Over 61,300 applicants applied to English-taught study programmes and art study programmes offered in the joint application this spring, with 16 % receiving an offer of admission. Since 2022, the number of applications doubled.

The number of higher education students’ mobility periods abroad increased, but did not yet reach pre-pandemic levels

Recent statistics in Vipunen – Education Statistic Finland show an increase in the number of mobility periods Finnish higher education students completed abroad in 2022. However, the figures are still far from the pre-pandemic levels. Especially the mobility of students of universities of applied sciences (UAS) seems to be recovering slowly.

The centralized advisory address related to the corona situation and the effects of Russia's attack on Ukraine has been deactivated

The e-mail address info(a), which at the Finnish National Agency for Education was used for inquiries related to the exceptional times in recent years, has been deactivated. The centralized advisory address has been used for issues related to education, training and teaching during the corona pandemic and after the start of Russia's attack on Ukraine. We continue to serve at our regular advisory mail addresses, which are monitored by experts in our subject areas.

Finnish National Agency for Education and UNICEF to deepen collaboration on innovations in education

Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) and the UNICEF Office of Innovation signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Monday 20 March 2023 to deepen cooperation on innovations in education. The MoU will pave the way for EDUFI’s Finnish Centre of Expertise in Education and Development (FinCEED) to work closely with UNICEF’s Global Learning Innovation Hub based in Helsinki. The two organizations aim to collaborate at strategic and technical levels to accelerate innovative solutions in learning that promote inclusive, quality education for all children and young people. Yhteisymmärryspöytäkirja tiivistää yhteistyötä Opetushallituksen alla toimivan Opetusalan kehitysyhteistyön osaamiskeskus FinCEEDin ja UNICEFin Helsingissä sijaitsevan Global Learning Innovation Hubin välillä. Organisaatioiden tavoitteena on tehdä yhteistyötä strategisella ja teknisellä tasolla kehittääkseen innovatiivisia oppimisratkaisuja, jotka edistävät inklusiivista ja laadukasta koulutusta kaikille lapsille ja nuorille.

New call for proposals opens for higher education institutions – the financing programme reinforces education cooperation between Finland and developing countries

The new Higher Education Partnership development cooperation programme emphasises equal partnerships between higher education institutions, increases mobility and promotes closer collaboration between administrative staff, teachers and students.
Press release

Higher education in Finland attracts more than ever – a record number of applicants in the joint application, mostly from abroad

Korkeakoulujen kevään ensimmäisessä yhteishaussa oli yli 61 800 hakijaa, mikä on noin kaksi kertaa enemmän kuin vuonna 2022. Haettavana olivat korkeakoulujen vieraskieliset koulutukset ja Taideyliopiston opiskelupaikat. Suurin osa hakijoista oli muita kuin Suomen kansalaisia.

Renewed register of authorised translators helps to find a translator for different situations

The Finnish National Agency for Education maintains a register of authorised translators. The register has now been renewed, enabling the authorised translator and the customer looking for a translator to meet even more seamlessly. The customer can use the search engine of the register to find a suitable translator and contact the translator directly by submitting a contact form.

Information for Ukrainians about how applying for a municipality of residence affects education is now available on our website

Finnish National Agency for Education has published material targeted at Ukrainians on how applying for and getting a municipality of residence affects the rights and responsibilities of children and young people with regard to education. The material has been published in Ukrainian, English, Finnish and Swedish.
Press release

Joint application to English-taught programmes begins on Wednesday, 4 January 2023

The first joint application of the spring to universities and universities of applied sciences (UAS) begins on Wednesday the 4th of January at 8:00. The joint application ends on Wednesday, 18 January at 15:00. The application form can be filled out at
Press release

Student mobility in higher education has recovered after COVID – fewer and fewer university of applied sciences students going on exchange

Student mobility in higher education has recovered after the COVID-19 pandemic, but the differences between universities and universities of applied sciences have increased. During the autumn term, university students have been going on international mobility periods as often as pre-COVID, but the mobility figures of universities of applied sciences are still lagging far behind pre-COVID figures. Overall student mobility figures remain well below peak years, having already started to decline before COVID.
Press release

Education exports are economically significant in Finland – the growing sector is already worth nearly EUR 1 billion

The objective of the Education Finland programme, which operates within the Finnish National Agency for Education and boosts Finnish education exports, is to increase the value of education exports to EUR 1 billion by 2030. According to a recent review commissioned by the programme, the total value of the education export sector in the Finnish economy was already approximately EUR 1 billion, or nearly half a per cent of Finland's GDP in 2019.

Know your responsibility - Recognising and intervening in bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence is every adult's duty

A series of videos produced by the Finnish National Agency for Education for guardians and professionals in the field of education helps to recognise bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence experienced by children and young people and to intervene in it in ways that promote safety and health.
Press release

43 390 applicants to higher education programmes in the autumn joint application

The autumn joint application to higher education ended on Wednesday 14 September. 292 of the 135 available study programmes in the joint application were in universities of applied sciences (UAS). 98...
Press release

Over 9 500 study places available in the autumn joint application

In this autumn joint application, there are 9 512 study places in 315 application options to apply to. About half of the study places are assigned to the field of health and welfare. Most of the...

DVV: Ready-made materials for teachers in the Web Service – especially suitable for teaching social studies

The Web Service provides comprehensive instructions for different life events and for dealing with public administration. It is an excellent source of information for students as it is. Now the Web Service also provides ready-made material for schools with exercises. The material has been produced jointly by lower secondary school teachers and the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV).

European SALTO Digital Resource Centre supports digitalisation in education, training and youth activities in EU programmes

The European Commission decided that the new SALTO Digital Resource Centre will be established at the Finnish National Agency for Education, which is the Erasmus+ National Agency in Finland. SALTO Digital is the first resource centre to operate in all educational sectors and also in the field of youth.